Sunday, August 26, 2007

Out of the mouth of babes.....

How do you know you are succeeding as a parent?
I mean, really... it can't be measured by the number of spankings in a day- because there is definitely a free willed individual in play... and Bella has her bad days, too. ;)
It can't be measured by the number of praises received by strangers... children hardly ever behave the same with perfect strangers than their parents.

But there is a place where I believe success can be measured, at least, in part... in a child's imaginative play.
Bella is old enough now to send to her overcrowded room to play. Stuffed animals tumble from the baby cradle in her room and her doll house is home to many little friends. Her drawers are stuffed with balls, blocks and action figures. Most days the high-pitched little girl's voice can be heard sharing light banter between her dog, Baby, and her monkey. Last night, the same sweet voice was mimicking a lesson she learned from her father at the restaurant. She held her little animals as she said, "Sweetie, don't go past here... nope, don't do it! You will get hurt.... oh! You didn't listen!! You have to sit in time out... ("oh, no!" cried the baby animal)... You didn't listen to me, but I love you... You need to obey the rules... Like Buzby and Nemo." Ok, I don't remember Jeff making Nemo and Buzby the prime examples, but he had reminded her of some important rules in the restaurant and it made me incredibly proud of her that she understood it. In fact, it was so important to her that she was teaching her friends.

And isn't that the point? We are supposed to be loving, training and equipping our children to go out and influence the world. And in her world, there are several stuffed animals that have learned the important lesson of obeying the rules!

In many other ways she has emulated our love, patience, and sometimes, frustration with her friends. But it has blessed me so much to hear this innocent play... it has stopped me a couple times and put me in my place when I have heard too much of my own flesh coming through. I know I need His help everyday to be a good parent. Thank God for His Holy Spirit!

I thank God for Isabella Patrice Poms! She is an amazing treasure and blessing. She is growing up to be a sweet, pure, loving Christian (ballerina princess) ;)

God, may You help all of us to love with Your patient love those You have blessed us with- to see the wonderful being they are and the way they reflect You. Remind us of the importance to embrace them and teach them the wisdom of Your Word. Bless their lives to become all You desire. Help us to lead them there.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yummies sweeten a yucky day

Ok, so cooking has become a kind of obsession of mine (really, hobby is more fair)... the Food Network is on often and I am always searching our cooking books for something yummy to make.

Yesterday I reported wanting to hide in a cave (and I think that is Ok because many strong people have done that... ehem... David!) but after baking 3 batches of brownies for my aunt's 50th birthday shindig and making dinner for my family, I felt better.

Well, alright... she MAY have had something to do with feeling better, too...

We licked a LOT of frosting!! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hugs for friends

So, now I am truly an at-home-mom... because my van's brakes are kaput... and with $1100 needed to fix them, it's just going to sit in the driveway for a couple of months.
So, I stay at home. Literally.

I enjoyed it the first week. It kind of took the pressure off to do things. The second week was alright, too- I cooked A LOT. Now, I think I am getting a little blue.

It's not that I am sad about not going out... I don't have many friends yet to miss seeing... but being inside is getting depressing. And with temperatures over 100* regularly that don't go away even when the sun does, it's hard to get outside.
And besides my turning Smurf-y, my little girl is (right this moment) playing with pine cones inside like they are dolls... she could use some inspiration.

It's time to get off my keester and start doing this thing called life, even if it means within the same 4 walls everyday.
It's time to shake it off and step up.

And to add to the misery a little, I just wish I could give some of you hugs. Some of you are going through things that are unfortunate and although I believe firmly God has a plan to rescue us all, the thing I wish I could do most is just give you a hug. So consider yourself HUGGED... with a little tight squeeze. God is our Redeemer. He will see us through.

Jeff's parents are coming down this weekend for a day and a half. It will be nice to see them. And my dad comes September 6th. I can't wait!!! The door is always open, guys. Myrtle Beach is a perfect vacation spot!

I am working out in our living room a lot these days... but all the cooking I have been doing is hindering my losing pounds capability. I go shopping this weekend, so I am going to buy gluten-free and healthy staples in which to cook with so I can start actually making headway with all this yoga and hula dancing. Phew!

Lots of love....

PS I am making 4 different kinds of brownies for my aunt's 50th birthday party tonight... my poor hips!!! ;)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things we have been up to....

Boy, it's a good thing I didn't title this Blog something like "Daily Writings"! Because I have neglected it a little bit, and people may have been super sad to see me not write daily! (which is very saddening when someone does that... say, with photographs, even ;)

But, we have been super busy down here in these parts.... and I have pictures to prove it! :)

First, we have been renovating my mom's kitchen: (turn your head to the left, then right... those are walls missing! And then rebuilt)

And now we are VERY close to getting it finished! (Praise the Lord! Cupboards!!)

In other busy happenings, I had my cousin's son over for the day and we had lots of fun making a mess with shaving cream (props to Angela Bezilla for her influence here) and construction paper shapes. Bella was particularly *disgusted* with the shaving cream gig, which she very sincerely and honestly gets from her mom, but Troy was ecstatic! He even made a smiley face :D

We then played with construction paper shapes, which Bella clearly enjoyed more!

more to come....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


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