I mean, really... it can't be measured by the number of spankings in a day- because there is definitely a free willed individual in play... and Bella has her bad days, too. ;)
It can't be measured by the number of praises received by strangers... children hardly ever behave the same with perfect strangers than their parents.
But there is a place where I believe success can be measured, at least, in part... in a child's imaginative play.
Bella is old enough now to send to her overcrowded room to play. Stuffed animals tumble from the baby cradle in her room and her doll house is home to many little friends. Her drawers are stuffed with balls, blocks and action figures. Most days the high-pitched little girl's voice can be heard sharing light banter between her dog, Baby, and her monkey. Last night, the same sweet voice was mimicking a lesson she learned from her father at the restaurant. She held her little animals as she said, "Sweetie, don't go past here... nope, don't do it! You will get hurt.... oh! You didn't listen!! You have to sit in time out... ("oh, no!" cried the baby animal)... You didn't listen to me, but I love you... You need to obey the rules... Like Buzby and Nemo." Ok, I don't remember Jeff making Nemo and Buzby the prime examples, but he had reminded her of some important rules in the restaurant and it made me incredibly proud of her that she understood it. In fact, it was so important to her that she was teaching her friends.
And isn't that the point? We are supposed to be loving, training and equipping our children to go out and influence the world. And in her world, there are several stuffed animals that have learned the important lesson of obeying the rules!
In many other ways she has emulated our love, patience, and sometimes, frustration with her friends. But it has blessed me so much to hear this innocent play... it has stopped me a couple times and put me in my place when I have heard too much of my own flesh coming through. I know I need His help everyday to be a good parent. Thank God for His Holy Spirit!
I thank God for Isabella Patrice Poms! She is an amazing treasure and blessing. She is growing up to be a sweet, pure, loving Christian (ballerina princess) ;)
God, may You help all of us to love with Your patient love those You have blessed us with- to see the wonderful being they are and the way they reflect You. Remind us of the importance to embrace them and teach them the wisdom of Your Word. Bless their lives to become all You desire. Help us to lead them there.
What a great testimony. Train a child in the way she should go... oh and you may want to explain the "Jen Garner" face.
I love how our kids show us up! I'm not even being sarcastic. I really love it. One more way that God speaks to us...and a way that I hear loud and clear, sometimes when no other way seems to be working! Thank God for the manifold blessing of children.
Thanks for the prayer. Its not just for little princes and princesses either. That prayer applies to ours today as much as it does to yours today. Not that they never grow up. We just don't stop being parents. Mike I.
thanks for the reminder to refocus! love you!
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