Sunday, March 23, 2008


Today we celebrated Easter at church and then moved on to the beach. It was wonderful- a little windy (and therefore chilly) but otherwise beautiful! Waves crashing, Bella and her friends chasing each other and digging in the sand, conversation with great friends and... happiness.
I loved it.

Today Jeff and I also went forward to celebrate that we are officially Seacoast Vineyard Church members. That was really exciting! God has showed us a lot on this journey. I know it has probably seemed that we were holding dear to old ways of thinking/living, but I think God has led us to embrace the very affectionate heart of Tim Holt and the vision to Live It (Christianity//God's love//our relationship with Jesus//...) and Give It! It's been fun to get to know new people here, start building a family here with others. Difficult at times, but fun! I still desperately need a hug from a few brothers and sisters back in IL, though. Anyone up for a little trip?

And Spring is in the air. What's better than that?

Ok, actually *being* Spring!!! Ha ha

Anyway, for now I love life and I am trying to embrace all that God has for me.

I hope you do the same!



Trudy said...

Well here's a hug from me honey. Love you lots.

Kim said...

sad I missed that morning at church (I was out of town), but I wanted to say, officially, that I think you two are awesome and I'm so glad you've come to the beach!!! I love you're writing and thoughts/perspective.. really love the image of the jagged stones and laying our hearts down, no matter how jagged/unpolished! ...(so I found your link on myspace!:) ..I haven't been very good at keeping up with mine, but I do like these Blog pages.. (sorry, that got a little long!) ..Love ya, girl! ..happy monday! <3 kim