Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I gave Bella a haircut....

A haircut. I cut her hair. Off.

I don't do stuff like that. I am too much of a perfectionist that I would probably cut it all off upon finding one uneven end, or at very least stop halfway through and take her to a stylist.

But I did it. I gave Bella a haircut. What a truly "mom" thing to do.

It was so cute. She was perched on a kitchen chair in her little booster and I had a towel wrapped around her. Moe and the Big Exit was on the T.V. I sat in a chair and started spraying her hair down with a gigantic H2O spray bottle I found under the sink. She sat perfectly still and I started separating the hair on top like I have seen my stylist friend Terese do a million times. I took the comb, drew up her hair and brought the scissors down. I was confident I could cut it; petrified she would end up with a poodle do. (If you know that story please quietly laugh to yourself. It wasn't that funny to live through, Ok?) ;)

In the end? Perfection! (of course) Her hair is all trimmed up in the back and nothing is catastrophically astray. (Thank You, Jesus!)
She is so adorable, though, come on! What could I have possibly done to really mess that up?

In other domestic ventures:
I sewed a skirt and am working on 2 or 3 more for Guatemala. This new talent is coming out of necessity, but it is fun to do. I like creating things with my hands. It's soothing and rewarding. I want to make a few pairs of capris and maybe a simple dress before I go.

Yesterday was a full day: I made an egg salad picnic lunch for the beach, unloaded and loaded dishes, left overs for dinner, laundry and a Life Cell Group. All-in-all a pretty successful day.

Well, on to the next adventure. Oh, and my forecast is abundantly sunny! What's yours?


1 comment:

Trudy said...

Honey, you make me soooo proud! Next thing I know you'll be making homemade baked bread!