Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lex would be so proud....

Bella is taking pictures.
Naturally, I think she's a genius.
I just don't think I am alone.

First, a little instruction:

Then, she's off:

Can you see how she captured the late-afternoon grump of my mom's dog?


Is this horse posing, or did she skillfully click at just the right moment?

Great profile.

There must be something about this chair that moves her. Some simplistic metaphor for our lives that she sees peering through the lens.

Do you see it?

It's art, so if you don't, don't feel bad.


Ah, yes. And this one.

Clearly this one emulates the Omnipresence of God. See how the positioning of the camera denotes a view as if looking down upon? Her angle use here is truly advanced.

No charge for these prints, but I am confident that there will be a gallery selling these powerfully insightful photos soon.

At least you can say "I knew her when"... :P


Anonymous said...

i love the pictures, they caused a much needed smile to form itself on my face

Tami said...

a monet of the digital experience. truly we hace witnessed greatness here.

Tami said...

make that "have". *blush*