Monday, March 17, 2008

King of the 'Jerks'

Jeff and I just attended the 2nd class of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It is incredible information and I really encourage anyone who is blessed to go, to go! It's so... major!

But one part of it today, like most financial seminars, makes a point of distinguishing between the "free spirit" spenders and the "nerds"- budget lovers who double check their spreadsheets before giving. And although neither Jeff nor I fit solely in one category or another, as most don't, we were both actually trying to lay claim to the nerd. Right there during the DVD seminar!! I'm like, yeah- controlling, organized, that's me! And Jeff was.... well, kind of just attached to the Nerd title. Which is why I reached over and drew a pair of lips on his hand. It was my peace offering.
;) Now, he truly is nerdy in many ways! He's no Jake Ryan, but I think for the most part he is more loose with money than I am. He puts up a very convincing front, but when pushed (and I mean pushed as in make a pouty face) and he caves. It's a noble attempt, but his nerd facade doesn't last long.

And I love him for it.

But, like I said, he's nerdy in a thousand other ways, which I humbly lay down. He can have those things, and I lay claim to free spirited in all the others.


(Note: the title and use of randomly placed 80's phrases is a tribute to Sixteen Candles which I watched this weekend. Thank God for 80's movies!!!)


Tami said...

i got the Jake Ryan reference right away, btw. ;) i could see the note being passed, dropped, retrieved and read...right there in my mind.

God's Love Changed Everything said...

ha ha ha- the *incredibly* awkward look back over her shoulder- OMG, he's looking at her, better rub the chin on the shoulder, because THAT'S not ovbious!!

ha ha ha ha

Gotta love the 80's!

Tami said...

yeah. the chin rub is the "caught staring" equivalent to the post-trip jog. this is where, upon tripping or stumbling in public, you break into a light jog for a step or as to cover up the stumble. preeeettty clever.