Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Procrastination and organization

Ok, these seem like opposites, but it takes a truly gifted person to perfect the art of doing both, at the same time. Enter ME the last week and a half.

Things on the list to do:
1. catch up on sleep (yeah, right!)
2. clean house
3. sow clothes
4. go to beach (yes, it actually needs to be planned, despite the illusion of a free schedule)
5. cook
6. do the bills
7. make a missions update/thank you letter
8. mail said letters
9. call a million people from back home that I miss
10. watch Pride and Prejudice (what can I say, it's just been on my heart....)
11. research home schooling in South Carolina

Things accomplished:
1. reading everyone's blogs and getting "caught up"- I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!! Keep blogging!
2. researched home schooling. quit after it seemed like it would rule my life
3. found a chore list on a home schooling site- organized my potential life
4. took a nap (on Sunday)
5. not much else.... :)

So, while I am WAY behind in things I should be accomplishing, #3 on the accomplishED list seemed to make me feel quite confident the rest would work out some day.

I miss my friends.
I miss my mission trip teenagers.
I probably miss you if you are reading this. Since calling is on the list of things I haven't accomplished... I miss you. I love you. Call me? :)

1 comment:

Tami said...

we miss you!! glad to hear the homeschooling list has been such a God-send. :) call me and we'll chat!